Todays Wasteland Finds

A few finds from the last couple of hunts. Quite a bit of canslaw and magnetic sand and gravel where foot traffic has been heavy. Several aluminium cans (not shown) and hi-tensile steel items - bicycle clip, hacksaw blade, hairpin, coil spring, peg spring and paper clip. Large hose fitting, nails, bolts, hooks, reinforcing and other mild steel stuff.


Ahh, the good old bicycle clips - never did stop all my trouser cuffs having those lines of holes in them though. Serves me right for wearing my corduroy paisley flares on the bike!

In fact, I think they should bring back cotter pins - They’ll teach kids these days how to toughen up :smile:

A few weeks back, whilst detecting a childrens playground i came across a lump of clay burried deep in the barkchips near a large piece of roofing lead. Took it home and made a Christmas decoration.

On the first day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me…

A cartridge in a bare tree.


lammwelaw might have some info on that…


I am lost for words.

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Wost for lerds? I have achieved one of my major life goals then ?

Well I could have told you the truth but you wouldnt believe it but here goes - that projectile is a APDS projectile 76mm M331A2 {1950s} with a sabot. Fired in South East Asia at a high trajectory, hit a Lockhead Hercules C-130 Transport Aircraft returning to NZ as it passed by and then fell out when the aircraft was passing over head back here in Kiwiland.
The rest you know - found in a Childrens playground.


Your immagination has a high trajectory, adding new meanings to the phrase narrative arc. And, in a bizzarre twist, no kidding, i myself hitched a ride on a Lockhead Hercules C-130 Transport Aircraft returning to NZ in 1968, at the age of 7, after spending 4 years in the UK.

Thats why I didnt want to say anything - because no one would believe me! Sometimes the truth is just so bizarre that it is unbelievable.

Mothmyth…your trash along with your treasure is great to behold…you have certainly been doing a clean up and your finds reflect your enthusiasm for an addictive hobby. As the years roll by you just grunt when your machine indicates trash…believe me. The knees grow weaker, the back aches quicker and somehow you only want to take home what fits in your pocket! I wish you more treasure than trash for 2020 and keep your photos coming…:grinning:

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1967 1cent, 1967 2cents, 20 cents with head side unreadable.
lead sinker, whistle, wire champagne cork cage, pull tab, bottle top, nails, nut, hairclip, springy thing and remains of 44 gallon drum rim.


whistle closeup

Close up of octagonal unknown

2 cent piece

1967 coins

nails n spring

Champagne cork cage

20 cent piece, i call heads, but corosion wins the toss…
Where is my date? Where is Lizzie?

further cleaning reveals lizzie but she wont date me


cool whistle…


1984 aussie 10 cent

AND 1938 George 6th penny


Yes, the whistle is nice and i am working on restoration, but the oxidation inside it is white, and disturbingly like lead oxide. I am thinking it might be pewter containing lead, so i am proceeding with caution.

would be a good penny to try to get so you can display it,try soaking in olive oil for a few days take it out of soak wash it and return it to soak,see how it turns out,get the dremmel on it for the bad stuff,it has no value ,it will give you an idea when you get a good one…

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2020… And Sew it Big inns

Hot rock, magnetic gravel, condom wrappers (happy nude year)
bottle neck with aluminium ring, aluminium can, spring steel guillotine offcut, steel bottletops, Moet bottle cork cage from last night, AAA battery, Steel DB can, bent spoon, piece of copper, incidental finds (white rock, orange plastic, terra cotta cylinder, staple)
and two bits of steel wire.

magnetic gravel, Garnet ?

Closeup of spoon, white rock and copper piece


And, for any other “demented science project” curious people out there i have started a page for this on “off topic”
Think “Dexters Lab” without Didi.

Love your old whistle. Looks to be possibly WW1. If it is pewter, do nt use citric acid. That is quite a rare find. Are there any markings on it? Great finds except for the young bucks leaving their trash! Your coins are adding up too.

Here are closeups of whistle and whimsical clay creature.
There are no markings on the whistle that i can make out.
But there are markings on the whimsical.

Todays hunt, at a park, arround a parkbench. I boo delieve a lot of incahol is ambibed thereabouts.

So 14 pull tabs, 15 bottle tops, and brown, green and clear glass fragments from every hole i dug. Strange piece of flat rock with traces of cement, hot.

Interesting mystery ironic blobject closeups

It is, i believe the remains of a pocket knife with a smidge of the wooden cover left.

And finally a quick re-do of the playground paid more than expected, considering i think i cleared it a few weeks back.
The key has me wondering. Roller skate?


Usual stuff and a saftey pin, 3 nails a piece of plastic, and a two dollar coin.