Kwikeiths west coast places

Dad is doing really really well today, just awaiting discharge so we can get him home ASAP.
These bloody Dr’s hurry very bloody slowly though. Frustration at a high.


Bit of a long day after a full day’s work for the hubby and then the long haul. But we just got him home and in his own bed and won’t have to listen to all the loud noises of the hospital and get some decent rest.
He plans to be back online tomorrow to read your messages for himself, and have some witty comebacks for sure.


Well Keith great to hear you successfully made it through that penis reduction procedure ok then …must be been hard living with large block n tackle all your life…no more feeling light headed every time you get a semi when a nurse walks by…lol…wishing you a good recovery mate.

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Sounds like a hell of a burden Keith, I am happy to take an inch off you if that helps…

Go hard Keith, thinking of you and cant wait to get back that way. kick that shit outta touch

Great to hear that your out of horsespiddle and back home. Start making plans for the next twelve months. Remember that it makes doctors good when they pretend they are Big Boss and tell you how long you have. In most cases people believe them and it’s good night nurse - it happens as they say it will. Mind over matter matey, make goals to achieve and never give up. Black Dawg needs you and so does that .45-70 and l want to get over one day - health permitting (yours and mine) and see those secret spots of yours, give you cheek and try to outdo you with my .50-70.

My son thinks he has 4 years, so we are running with that :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:(little fella on the right)


That second pic is the Keith we know, with that cheeky smirk on his dial. Where is the black dog? Bet its good to be back home mate. Look forward to some cheek from you. Nice family there Elizabeth.

All the best

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

hell cant not reply to this one as you loving people will realize.
i letyou take the inch as long as its not the bottom one , nothing ever will stand back up again.
back home and will start a new chapter tomowow
thanks for the love. not only to me but to my family
cleaned the 45/70 so ready to go


Gidday Keith, I was as surprised as anyone to hear of your ordeal.
You and I only 3-4 months ago went up above Denniston to conquer the back blocks for half a day of metal detecting, in the old Jeep!
Anyway, keep all the great vibes coming from all who love you, and of course we mustn’t forget your most wonderful Cas, and Kiwilib, and others.
See you next March!!!
Take care, all the best and keep it up!!!


Gday Keith, so glad to hear you’re better! A shit thing you’re going through, and wish you all the best. Just think of all those possums crawling over your Landy!!..


Hope all goes well kieth


Glad your Dads home Xx please give him a big hug…

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hi folks . if interested feeling good the BLACK DOG told me i had to walk so a start up the charming creek walkway .its soooo goood to smell native bush as you walk .by the way the landie is listed on trade me 1970


wheres the detector you young bugger.

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Love that Landrover Keith…but!

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Hell Keith! I momentarily amble away from your escapades for a couple of weeks and come back to find this!
What can I say that hasn’t already been said? Other than you’re tougher than those West Coast sandflies - and I met them very briefly as they tore their way into the tent to introduce themselves many years back…
Good to see you’re back with family, and as for the cancer, you kick that shit into the gorse - There’s too few good buggers these days as it is.
Hope the RandyLover goes to an appreciative home.

Keep following that Black Dog…


some very rear photos of land rover stuck. at least getting pulled out by landie not a toy. being told to slow down but bugger got pinged. slow down tomorrow


You got slick townie tyres on that beastie? The 88’s will climb oot a vat o’ porridge just using the windscreen wipers…
Bonus points for being ‘assisted’ by same species though.

Cop only pinged you so he could get close to a classic and smell the 70’s scent as he gave you the Love Letter.


Just checking in on Kiwi Keith…how ya going ole boy…doing the hard yards on the chemo…hope your all right there fellow prospector! to boost that immune system n eat all sorts of healthy stuff that tastes like utter shit!..when you posted you weren’t well made me think and I took my daughter out for her first full days deer hunt into some beautiful native country…she absolutely loved it as did my GSP dog nugget…pointing up a storm on fresh trails we were working as good team until we winded ourselves out on the NW wind change and the fellow mob bolted…next time!!..great day…so soon after this my mother suffered bad stroke and I have spent this week by her side until she passed last night…so I’m super aware of our mortality at the moment and more than ever believe we should cherish each day and not waste it…i’d love to get more days in gold prospecting a year…and if gold goes to 5K an ounce then could make it a viable option…so glad we live in New Zealand as the moment…check in people!!!