Kwikeiths west coast places

All the very best there Keith. We are all in behind you for a quick recovery and more photo’s including that bloody Black Dog.

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Pass on our love and thoughts Elizabeth from the keys family was hoping to get over there and bash some bush and blaze a trail with Keith,hope I still can one
day- Andrew.

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Goodluck . Checkout the canabis cbd therapy. Got a friend going thru the same thing and is doing extremely well.

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Bugger the husband - variety is the life of spice - or is that the spice of life! If it is liver problems tell him Puha or sour thistle as it cured my liver problems 30 years ago.

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Just read this post Keith. Hope you get better man. The world needs more of people like you! Appreciated our conversations in the past and your advice !

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All the very best. Speaking as someone who has known ill health: never give in.

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Hi everyone.
I read the messages to Dad today. And sat with him for his first chemo.
He wanted me to let you know that the type of cancer he has is very aggressive and best outcome is that chemo will extend his life for some months instead of some weeks.
We are hoping that he is the stubborn old bugger that proves everyone wrong and has a few years left to continue with his adventures.
He is still over this side of the hill. But we will be taking him back to his home base as soon as he is up to the trip.


Thanks for that Kiwilib. Very sad & sorry to hear of your dads predicament. I didn’t realise it was that severe. He will be the stubborn old goat that proves them wrong. You can’t kill weeds. Keith will be back. Thoughts, prayers & positive vibes to Keith & you & family.

JW :worried:

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Keith, you can be sure the paydirt community is thinking of you. Youve bought us all a little closer to the mighty west coast with your amazing storys. Keep up the good fight fella


Keith’s update; he is doing fantastic today so far. Full of yarns

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Another day and am sitting in the sunshine thinking of Keith. Hope hes showing signs of stabilizing. If you read this Keith then remember that your the only sane person (in Latin ‘Bastardus crayziatus’) on this site beside me and largely as not it was because of you that l have stayed on this site.
That .45-70 is feeling neglected so you fight that affliction so that you can give it some loving attention.
Well me being me l have come up to Auckland to go to a show and some miserable prick told me it’s called off.
Good luck buddy and we will meet again yet.

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Quote from Keith “don’t bounce too high with anticipation and excitement, remember to keep your feet on the ground where they are meant to be (fuck that was profound)”


Well Keith …so your on the chemo train…couple of tips (as my wife has been through it)…take kefir yogurt…tastes like shit but its very good for gut health and boost your immunity…keep all those snotty rug rats away as you don’t want to catch anything on chemo…failing that …dancing girls…nothing better to increase circulation than to watch a good line up of dancing girls…I hear Christchurch has pretty skilled one’s at reasonable rates this time of year…lol!!

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A great photo of dad and his wife up the mountains. She has asked me to post some photos up for you all.

And another of him… Hunting…


I love it. Someone l know has had a lot of trout over the years but hasnt had a licence since he was at high school and that photo reminds me of him. They definitely taste better. Hopefully and with a miracle, and they do happen, he will get more opportunities to do this…and climb another hill. Failure is not a crime but low aim is - in other words make goals and plans and be determined to make it and you will. I said this to a cobber of mine when he was given a few weeks to go five years ago. The few weeks turned into four years.

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Hi Keith

The bloody cancer eh. I was going to fill you in when we caught up. Last November I went to the doctor with a sore throat. Walked out with a cancer diagnosis, throat cancer. A biopsy later confirmed it. Started radiation late December, stayed at Daffodil Lodge. (cancer Society). Didn’t have chemo as they reckoned I didn’t need it. Frig getting cooked was bad enough. My team was confident they could cure me. The bugga’s stole my teeth and made me Mr Gummy. Radiation and old teeth don’t mix well together. Was just so impressed with the staff in Oncology at CHCH. They are a super lot. On my first treatment under the Linear Accelerator, I walked in to the treatment room and remarked. Hmmmm welcome to Chernobylil Reactor Number three Trev. That got them all going and we really hit it off from there. They were amazed I got through the radiation treatment so well. And said, patients with the right attitude and a sense of humour fare a lot better then those without. So bet you will do well there. Not like the gritted teeth brigade I used to travel with in the Cancer Society shuttle bus. I guess I was kinda lucky to get a cancer with a good survival rate. I even gave it a name , Called it “Herman” every time I lay on the table and got bombarbed by Reactor Number three, I would think. Haha Herman, how do you feel now eh. Things getting a little uncomfortable for you. And there is more to come. Best ya piss off now while the going is good. Kiwilib I really appreciated my support person, in my case my Partner. My daughter came out from London and stayed a few days. Came in with me for one of my treatments. The staff allowed her to come into the treatment room, watched me being strapped to the table , getting my mask on which went over my head and shoulders and was bolted to the table. Then she was invited into the control room, and watched me getting bombarded with anti Herman rays. She sure appreciated that. Like I said the staff are great as you know. As for shooting trout Keith, nothing wrong with the ole nickel plated spinner, in my case cast with a SMLE 303. Keep up the positive vibes ya old prick and see ya when you get back.



Well Keith l an sitting in a backpackers up in Auckkand…lm pissed. No l dont drink but l couldnt resist this whisky in the bottle store…beside that the bloke behind the counter recommended this stuff which is either called Cardrona or came from Cadrona…its 64 percent alcohol…he gave me a nip. I took some convincing for him to give me two more on the understanding that all good things come in threes. After that he wanted me to buy a bottle…hell theres only about 250 mls in a bottle and its $150 or something. Bugger that. I got a bottle of Johnny Walker…and here l am now. It took me a bit of courage to come up to Auckland to come to the gun show due to health problems but here l am. I got here only to find that the fucking gun show was cancelled. Anyway back to the story. I said before that l have met many people on this site ranging from the miserable lowlife hiding behind the anonymity of a keyboard who tried to humiliate me with his comment about the Confederate flag l have at my place to the best blokes you could ever wish to meet. I have met or corresponded with some real gems on here, people l would stand beside until hell froze over. Your one. As stated a couple of Auckland/Coromandel detectorists are the others - musketballs and mudwiggle. Enough of that sloppy shit. I had a cobber around home the other day. Hes like me - a bit of a liability but he never gives up. He said to me on Thursday that a couple of weeks ago he got an anomaly in his throat and said to himself “Oh no, not again” - he thought that he had a reoccurance of something that happened ten years ago. You see he was given a short time to live - throat cancer. Sure he went through a pretty traumatic experience but he was determined never to give up. He had operations and was crook for a long time - but he crawled out from under the shit and made a lie of the doctors prediction that he was a goneburgher. You can fight it off so do it.
The funny side of that is my wife, she asked him how he got it and he said “You dont want to know”
“Yes l do” she says.
“Oral sex” says my cobber.
That’s why l prefer shooting pussies to licking them.


Oral sex…isn’t that when you just talk about it? :joy:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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@Lammerlaw; Maybe your cobber should have made sure he was eating off a clean dinner plate…

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I guess theres a lesson there - after jelly, pavlova and cream l always lick the plate clean. Do you think it should be clean before l lick it? That would not make sense. My mum would disapprove of me being on this site…she was very prudish and would disapprove of my licking the plate and getting unsavoury ideas on this site. Hmm cant say that l savoury unsavoury tastes on the plate.
Thinking of you this morning Keith. Dismal in Auckland and got to go buy a few supplies. Have got the opportunity to stay in a friends house at Coromandel if l can solve the transport problem. The miserable sod outdoes you with your .45-70 and me with my .50-70 because hes got a 32 pounder cannon.