Summer snippets

Henry did better than me today. Have a great New Year and hope that you have lots of success with the yellow stuff.

I like your comments guys, always good to see people out there getting on some gold. Good to celebrate with a few drinks of your choosing, whiskey or otherwise!

Another day and another outing with a couple of mates. Got stuck in with picks shovels and detectors and got 9g for our efforts.


Nice haul!!!
Some good looking pickers aswell

Oh Mathias stop it! Some of us have to work and putting pics on like that isn’t helping! Good haul though, they look like honey puff cereal :grinning:.

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beautiful that gold looks mighty fine

My brother inlaw is visiting for two days, so of course I had to go and take him mining. Went for a very short less than two hour stint in the stream this morning and managed to get onto a wee crevice that held a few little nuggets. Too often with these sorts of trips I’ve not managed to produce anything for the tag along person. And because I’m a good bugger he gets half of it. 1.9g of shiny yellow in total.


I’m starting to suspect that you’re NZ’s Mr Gold! Keep it coming! :slight_smile:

Gavin, hard work and persistence. Also the guys that find the real decent amounts keep quiet about it!


Looking for a 4 inch dredge to borrow for a couple of weeks while I’m waiting for my Keene to turn up. Central otago region. Prepared to pay $100/week for a function unit.

Living the dream… well done

The dream got a bit bad today. Went up to check on the dredge after the flood and I have lost my 6 inch dredge hose with swivel nozzle. If anyone finds it in the pomahaka and feels like returning it I’ll pay a $100 reward.


That sux mate we lost a 3wk old 4inch dredge hose last february along with other gear, we walked for miles and hardly found anything just a few ropes. Got the swivel nozzle back tho, it was jammed between rocks a few hundred meters downstream.

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Best of luck, I hope it turns up for you. These large hoses are surprisingly expensive!

Bit of sniping yesterday for 6.5g. Was good to get out after the flooding. Hopefully the summer will return. We’ve had 1/4 of a year worth of rain since new years eve. Looks like insurance will pay for my dredge losses


Thats awesome :ok_hand:. Do you snipe in a wetty with mask n snorkel mate ? Are the sniping buckets with a clear bottom worth using ?pretty green but I have some bedrock id like to snipe. Cheers dan .

I use wetsuit mask and snorkel

Before I skin dived for gold home made glass bottom boxes with THICK glass got me more gold than many people could imagine so well worth while. A good starting point. Really thick glass is needed. Even today because I am older I am back to using a glass bottom box with my detector.

I have several wetsuits but havent been in one for years - two of them are brand new unused!

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You’re really supplying the gold porn @mathias_brandl - I’m loving it. Some real nice pieces you’re getting there!! :slight_smile:

Some more summer snippets to report… Just back from a weekend away in hills with two mates. Fair bit of hiking involved with heavy packs full of wetsuits and sniping gear and detectors. As well as all necessities of an overnight trip. Wasn’t a waste of effort however as we got about 30g between us. A highlight for me was finding a crevice with about 6g of gold in it. My total was 13.1g.

Hopefully more to report soon