Gold - then and now

You’re wife is probably the first in line. Looking at the death notices that is…

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

Hmmm - your probably right! Wife? Isnt a wife the liability who grabs you by the ankles at the front door on payday, turns you upside down and whacks your head on the concrete until your pay packet falls out of your pocket then doesnt want to know you for another two weeks?

Or when you wake up in the morning says “Oh youve woken up, I didnt think you would - did you remember to pay your life insurance?” Funny how my cups of tea taste like almonds!


A small nugget picked up near my house on my property a while back. This is what happens when ya drink too much Bourbon - you decide to put a photo up…personally I have got to the stage in life where I prefer trolling the site to see what others have found.


Nice one Graeme. Which property/house are we talking here. The one that has no gold or the one where you live that shouldn’t have any gold unless you drank too much bourbon & dropped some? :joy:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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The one that has no gold just down from where Henry and the man from Queenstown were getting no gold.


A piece of crystaline gold that l picked up a long time ago.


beautiful mate love that kind of gold the most thats just absolutely bang on beautiful…!!!

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