Coronovirus -Who's looking at going full time mining?

tararua I think you need to reread kiwikeiths posts. He is certainly advocating the stay at home approach.
However he is also well within his rights to go out for the above mentioned conditions which are also allowed by the government.

How do you know the grand plan isnt working? You obviously have inside knowledge which im pretty keen to hear from you what it is?

83 new cases today spells it out. KK tells us to “fucken stay home”.
How many ways can I take that??

Sadly there are disbelieving fuckwits, imbeciles, low lifes, paramecium, diploducus’s, leeches, slimeballs and other vermin who dont give a stuff about you and me and are happy to flaunt the rules and go out in public and these pricks are the ones who will catch the virus and pass it on. Saying that however a lot of people who work in essential services are also badly at risk through no fault of their own and to be honest when it is over they should all receive a gold medal for bravery. Nothing wrong with going for a walk and lucky be those who live next door to somewhere that you can explore, fossick, pillage, blow up, dig holes and otherwise have an interesting and exciting time.


a lock down means you cant go bush otherwise you can be arrested spend time in jail free meals

Well there is that gray area! I mean I go bush as theres public walking tracks near my house so I do a walk of several ks through the bush every day and a lot of others do as well. If I was living in an area where there was gold fossicking in the bush a few ks away and no narks,party poopers, slime balls, self righteous gay bois and pimps about then I would go for a walk to indulge in my hobby…anyone who says that they wouldnt and stuck to that needs to be made a saint…hypocrisy rules supreme.
The gray area can be taken into consideration when I see maybe 20 people on the same track as me all keeping 2m plus apart and keeping to the rules BUT there IS that chance of a slip or tripping over and breaking your legs and indeed many outdoorsmen would be a sight safer in the bush indulging in their interests than the runners and walkers on the tracks in Dunedins town belt.

Personally I think it is a matter of discretion and common sense rather than draconian Police State manoeuvres.

The irresponsible ones seem to be young ones flaunting rules such as several people I have seen jammed into cars parked up smoking and drinking. These ones obviously are not ‘Bubble’ companions. Interesting that term. It could be said that in this PC society New Zealand has truly become the ‘Bubble wrap society!’ In this present situation I have to admit that I do agree with it but see no difference in going into the bush to have a shot or pan a bit of gold and going walking through Dunedins town belt or through the bush up Kaipatiki Road at Glenfield on the North Shore

I also KNOW that it is SAFER to go hunting and gold fossicking away from anyone else than it is to go for a walk in the city because this 2 m rule is NOT the sure bet that you will be safe after all it is a Pandemic and the virus can hang in suspension in the air - that means that if someone sneezes 100 m ahead of you and you walk past where he/she sneezed then the virus could still be suspended in the air and therefore you are still at risk.


yea good for the soul cant see a problem as long as your alone how else can we make a dollar…

You might find that tricky soon ,as the virus progresses ,as it will.the word is the next phase of lockdown to to serparate everyone in there areas ie canterbury etc ,say army checkpoints atne the rakaia and hurunui rivers.all over the country ./would be difficult to implement .ive already done 14 days as i missed the deadline by hours so had to self isolate anyway ,all good though and at least i can go to the supermarket.My mate who usually goes to the piub saturday ,is getting his partner to put stubbies of beer in the spare rooms ,garage and shed .And on saturday hes going on a pub crawl…ha ha

I think the problem really is that if one goes bush or out detecting or dredging, hunting etc. Even if totally by themselves & isolated…what if something happens to them & they require rescuing? That then involves other people…& putting them at risk. The rules are: Stay safe, stay home, stay isolated & save lives. It is that simple. Nobody would love to go out detecting more than me. I know I would be totally isolated & not see a soul all day. But I do appreciate the simplicities of the rules & what we have been asked to do & the consequences if not obeyed are just not worth it. The gold will still be there when this is all over. When ever that might be. Just hang in there & thrash youtube, like I am doing to save my sanity. Take care all.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:


i just went to river for walk and there are people panning all day and sleeping in there cars swiming biking walking what if you fell over while out running or walking or biking…for exercise…and these are locals…where do you stop ? stay at home means NO exercise no walking you might hurt yourself then someone has to come rescue you…

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soon people will start going mad and drinking domestic violence from being imprisoned at home never mind the virus

Seems to have been an explosion inexercise in the last week😂 we can just stay home for 3wks more do stuff around the house that has been put off for ages lol.

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yep starting to go crazy . take the dog for a walk down the beach and that’s it. tomorrows the big day I get to go to town to get some food.
the good thing is the petrol bill is way down havnt even started the landie all week . used the mower though.


Keith - yes I sure agree about the petrol bill being away down!

Kiwijw - I cant say that I disagree but when it comes to statistics there is just as much likelihood of having an accident walking a bush track in Dunedins town belt than being gold panning beside a stream AND there is a far far higher chance of getting that evil malady going for a walk in the city and thus putting the health workers at greater risk and placing them under more pressure than there is on you on a stream bank panning gold so their argument doesnt actually hold water with me. In over fifty years of gold mining I have ever only had one accident and never required assistance.


Those type of people are probably of the domestic violent type any way. They don’t need an excuse. I guess it just comes down to common sense with what people do & know is right. So that is where it stops…with common sense & respect for your fellow man by staying isolated. Some people probably get a buzz from knowing they are flouting the rules & what we have been asked to do to help stem the spread of this virus & that is through isolation. Simple as that. There are & will always be those type of rebels who think they know it all & are above every body else. Are you one of those?



I thought you south islanders had more sense than us
north boys.but seeing the wankers in Queens town at
a party flouting all the rules.stick to walking the dog by
the creek and dreaming 22 day to go maybe???


your right that stopping the virus and isolating is true its just hard to do nothing or thats how it feels but yes your right…stay home


Yep …anything you can do to stay sane…I’m crushing some rocks…sorting all my prospecting gear out…going though all my footage (gonna make some youtube vids)…watching youtube gold vids…watch the gold price go up and down…then hopefully up!!..clean out my shed(no not that bloody bored)…maybe hide my best nugget in some dog roll…feed to dog then spend next few days detecting all his poos…lol…remembering not to put found nugget in mouth to clean nugget(bad habit that!)…anyone else got any good ideas!


Them bastards would have been foreign tourists who are stuck there I guess - give them a dose of Southern hospitality and fine them each $1000 and channel the money into Medical research.


yea cant wait to get back into it fine tuning all my gear has been great keeping myself busy at home thanks to paydirt community i have new places to explore with permission once this lock down is over …i went for walk this morning to the river not panning just a walk and there was police car at river as i got nearer to river i saw the police dealing with a guy who was trying to run his sluice banning him from operating his sluice and buckets of classified gravels and ordering him to stop what he was doing and to leave the river at once and warned not to return…so there it is strictly no panning or sluicing or the police will be on you very quickly this was at a local river near queenstown this morning a certain reminder no gold mining of any sort at all stay home isolate keep sane keep smiling fine tune all your gear and this will be over soon enough and we can all go back to doing what we love to do finding that beautiful golden magic…


Awsome Danno- Good advice and great intel there on the guy with the sluice.

The same thing happened where I live with a bloke fishing off the warf in Dunedin by himself. He was told to move on by the police

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