Anyone else tired of activists using kids for their dirty work?

yup and media outlets like stuff are pro climate change and heavily moderate content from their reporters and also comment section to fit their view… in other words only alow 1 sided story and debate.

Scientist and nutjob activists have been crying wolf for decades I dont know why the hell anyone is giving them the time of day still. by 2019 The worlds oil was supposed to be depleted 25yrs ago, the arctic ice all gone by start of this year (2013/14 was when that prediction was made) Kirabati? Islands suposed to be underwater 12yrs ago the list can go on for pages off the doom and gloom predictions made that never happened.
can even find the studies that have been conveniently forgoten from the early to mid 1900s about scientists worried about the GLOBAL COOLING trend and how it would wipe us out… We mustve averted that and went the other way lol.

Theres so much interesting and valid material above to read that by the time l got down here l have lost the plot of it all.
Greens - dangerous sods who shouldnt have any say in our environment and ecology. Did l hear right that the Minister of Constipation has purchased DoC land on the West Coast? Someone told me that today. If it is true then something should be done about it. Preferably 200 ton of 1080
Global Warming - l believe that there has been radical changes in weather patterns and global warming is very real but how to proportion the cause to man made and the natural cycle of the Earth l have no idea as Earth does go in cycles and throughout millennia climate patterns have changed. We have had polar shifts and ice ages, trees once grew where Antarctica now is. The one thing l do know is that oxygen levels are lower than what they were when first measured and l suspect that the felling of the rain forests is much to blame.
Sea level rise - l think that the sea level is on the increase due to ice melt. It is said that Dogger Bank was once high and dry so that sea levels have been lower at one stage.
They know that many of the islands in the Pacific are now getting flooded on the high tides but in some cases l do wonder if continental plate movement is partly to blame after all land does rise and land does sink.
Did you say something about behaviour Keith - didnt they say ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’ - theres a truth in that. A fucking good caning works wonders but today’s pussyfoot approach only breeds mongrels - mongrels become politicians and we’re all fucked.


You didnt tell me you were at the FRI - I was in the single mens camp there for a while in 1969 as that is where the Ranger training school was. I think the boss man was a fellow named Ralph Naylor. The good things I remember included the daughter of the camp cook - she was the best dish that could ever have been served.

1970 I had one of those little huts to live in at the fri in Rotorua. that was the good times. driving round in my 1948 ford v8 petrol at 9 cents per lt or 86 cents a gallon. the meals were great and the girls even greater. I can remember the name Naylor but don’t know where from.

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Far out fuck a duck _ have a photo of everyone there about then…will look it out and see if I can get it on here. I am not sure if it is 1969 or 1970 but inany case Mr Me is in it - I am the best looking fellow there.

You might be able to recognize some of them.

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I tell you what would be interesting, that’s the names of all of them .
is that you slipping that girl your details. I knew a lot of the guys .

The light coloured hair guy sitting in front of Ralph Naylor is dead at the moment. I was flying with him once along part of the Dunstan Track and the plane was flying lower than the wires on the power pylons. We were coming back from a pub one day and on the wrong side of the road - the car coming toward us was also on the wrong side of the road - both cars corrected at the last moment but the sides of them crashed together like a loud tamborine - they kept going and we kept going. On one or two occasions one of us would steer, the other work the pedals and a third work the gear lever. The car died eventually. It was a Vauxhall 14…Ashley Forest.

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