A morning in the life of a detectorist

Hell of an achievement MB congrats :clap:

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Thanks CC. Quite chuffed with the result.

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100 gold rings WOW. Great result MB. Some serious scrap value at least.
You are so lucky to be able to hunt where there were 100 waiting to be found.

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Thanks Chris_Nz.

Not all from local beaches as I have done quite a few beaches in both Islands.
Have used my CTX mostly on the dry and wet sand, and the Excal in the water up to my neck. Great fun.
Have also managed to get several back to there owners which in itself is quite rewarding.

Sometimes you get a run where I have had 3 days over 6 years where I managed 3 gold each day and then you can go for months and get nothing. No real pattern, just part of the chase.

Been a lot of fun also including wittnessing a ram raid at a local beach shop, hit by a stingray and several other unidentified things, been reported to the police because some bright spark thought I was probably insane as I had been in the sea for a couple of hour mid-winter etc etc.

A few more stats on the gold rings.
2014 = 2
2015 = 17
2016 = 20
2017 = 13
2018 = 22
2019 = 11
2020 = 12
2021 = 3