Kwikeiths west coast places

Was definitely turned off and in my backpack. Took me a while to figure out what was going on. Was an old black Garrett one, can’t remember exact model. Yeah, surprised me too.

I have live within 10min drive of here for 7 years and today was the first time to go there. not well enough to go to the top yet but maybe next trip. took caz and the gold finding dog. even though hes a “BLACK DOG”


once again the “BLACK DOG” follows me round. a typical west coast beach no one there so no one to drop stuff. nice day for a walk.


Think about it Keith - no one there to drop stuff - no one there to spoil the peace, harmony and tranquility

Bugger that Keith. I had better turn up and ruin your peace
and harmony.give caz a hug for me

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My old Beach Claim out at Tauranga Bay. Thank god you didn’t find the remains of the Spanish Galleon I located out there, many years back. I re-buried it after deciphering the inscription on one of the cannons. which read VLTIMA RATIO REGVM. In spanish the V is pronounced as a U. So it reads ULTIMA RATIO REGUM which translates in English to “The Last Argument of Kings”. Inscribed on Spanish cannons in the realm of Louis the X1V (14th) 1638. I found it resting on bedrock at 12 feet, previously covered by sand of course. It was a bit of a conundrum for me. Do I go public with it and history has to be re-written, And no doubt a land claim for the whole of NZ from present Spain. I didn’t even dare take a photo as in those days they had to be developed . So I chose to re-bury it. And will take its exact location to my final resting place. It is a rather large beach. Of course it is safe putting this up here, as none of you will believe me anyway and my secret is safe. As you can see I used to excavate rather large holes by suction. It was rather ironic that the only remaining mast protruded some four feet above the surface but was so weathered that everybody including me, just thought it was an old submerged tree and it was a well weathered branch sticking out. Heck swimmers used to hang their towels on it, while taking a dip. If only they knew what was under their feet. gold


perhaps that is why the detector went crazy. it was a cannon.

More than likely one of the many pieces of old steel I buried everywhere to lay a false trail. Imagine if someone detected a spanish Reale out there, people would be searching everywhere

Remember that long signal you detected in my back lawn yesterday. Now what do you think that was eh. Keith

the anchor chain…….

Frig there is a clue in the pic.

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Albeit wrong coast and wrong part of the country, but:

Still looking for the rest :male_detective:

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is it really the wrong coast or part of the country? who knows perhaps we have history all wrong.

According to stories there was an ancient shipwreck near Haast and also a lost boot with gold in it - has anyone heard that yarn from away back?

ive heard of the lost boot with gold in just down below jacksons bay. buried at a cave entrance by 3 guys one went south one north and one in land all looking for help . the one that went north made it back but couldn’t find the cave. sum where round barn bay so ive read

Thats the one Keith - I had often been tempted to go look for it.

ive read about it I think its in the book “life on the gorge river” but ive just looked and there is no index so bugger reading it all again. also ive heard reference to the cave being at the north end of the cascade river bay. there is a caving system there. the entrance to the cave has fallen in but the old guy telling me seemed to know a bit about it all. abit beyond me to get there these days.

I can see a rush coming up with people running round this summer with detectors after reading this.
I think there is also reference on the forum sum where about it as well . theres lots of stories out there.

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looks like I will have to take the detector next time…theres that bloody BLACK DOG again. will have to teach him to read the signs.

I heard of that boot. In a cave up by a creek where a slab of the ceiling had fallen in on a Maori living there. A number of pre-made fishing lines and hooks were recovered and some pounanu from that cave by an archaeologist in the 80’s. Apparently it remains mostly unexplored and the human bones remain.

the cave you are referring to is the arataonga. I have been told that’s the one . should go there with the detector.
I personally think its to far from the sea to be the one that they buried the gold in.