What do I do with all the gold?

What if you were to actually find $100s of dollars per day gold hunting. Then it would soon become a thing you did for money. It would still be a good excuse to head out in the bush with mates but the wife/husband would give you the green light more often!


My plan is to find a few ounces per trip… I’d keep the nice nuggets but sell most of it… Want to finance the trip and gear…Already have the expensive Scuba Diving hobby, having another hobby that brings in some profit to pay for other things would be amazing… I mean, there’s still hope… For the moment I do it for fun, but hoping for a great find, of course :slight_smile:

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Did you buy that as a bag of paydirt from somewhere? Can you share a link ? Id like to have a go with my kids with some big obvious stuff like that . Thanks

Got the Bonza bag from here:

100% agree Goldsborough.
If ones focus is only on the value of gold then those people generally won’t last as no gold is easy gold. There is a lot of time & hard graft involved & it is getting harder to find by the day. I don’t even know it is really about the fever either. The gold is just an excuse for those who love getting out in to the wilderness, & have a love for the adventure. Often the true gold is in the people you meet along the way & the adventures you will have. Ok, gold does have a value but if you focus only on that & don’t make your fortune, which you won’t, then the reality will set in.
I have found a wee bit over the years & I have never sold a piece I have found. Bit of an emotional attachment to those bits. Most of them tell me their own little story of where I found them & the excitement each piece gave me at the time of finding them. I have bought & sold gold as those bits have no attachment to me. Even traded a 2 oz nugget to get my GPX 6000.
At the end of the day you can’t eat gold, it has to be traded or cashed in eventually. Either that or your kids will inherit it.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:


My kids have their own little collection of nuggets and they will get all mine. All this stuff pays the bills. Two days total here, claim owner gets some and two of us split the rest


So, how do you pay the bills with that nice pile of gold? :slight_smile:

I guess he sells it aye to get the cash to pay the bills. Might have a regular buyer he has cut a deal with. It is my believe that he does this for a job so it is his income.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

Yeah I do it for a job. I’ve been reluctant to sell any gold I have found over the years but when you have a young family you often have to sell some if you want extras in your life.

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You mean instead of going to an office you go to the forest to find gold every day? :astonished:

That’s cool, pretty flat though! Thinking about it I need some gold to test how it rings up on the detectors in various depths, configurations etc. :thinking:

Just get the Bonza bag from goldpanning.co.nz and you’ll have 2g to test with :wink:

Lead is a good alternative for testing. Buck shot sized bits would be good for testing common size picker sized gold.