Wanted to buy 5” crash box

Looking for a 5” crash box. Either just the header by itself or with sluice attached

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Hi there Cam. Why a crash box, do you have clayey material you are working with? I just ask as the flare has been the rage from manufacturers for years now. I don’t even think they make crasher header boxes any more but I am still a fan of the crasher box. I really like how it gives the material a good hiding & boils & stirs it up shattering & separating & freeing up the material before it goes down the box. Especially when dealing with clay material & fine gold. A simple & efficient design.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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Gidday yeh we do have a bit of it. Also toying with the idea of building a more compact easy to shift round dredge. So keeping the length down would be beneficial. And flairs/jets are heavy