I know the gunsmith in Clyde - hes a good guy. Oh hello John - 5.47 grams day before yesterday. Nothing like the old days though! I had to come home as I ran out of Bourbon…or was it the weather?
Of course you would know the gunsmith in Clyde.
5.47 grams is way better than my 1.6 grams in 12 little pieces found using the new 15" concentric coil on the Zed & the gold monster. 10 coming out of the one dig once I was down to & smashing out the schist bedrock. Thats where the Gold Monster came in handy.
Yes but l worked like a human ditch digger whereas you probably took it easy running around going beep beep.
I do love the gold Monster though but wonder how it goes with the bigger coil…l have never tried it.
It goes beep beep to
That sounds like the road runner - personally I preferred Wylie Coyote - he was more my sort!
Gee…this is getting off topic. Sorry jollyr.
Graeme, I certainly wasn’t running around in the weekend. Far too bloody hot for that. In fact I didn’t even get out detecting until 7pm Sunday evening & then I was just strolling around. The bigger coil on the monster should give you better depth but the little 5" coil is ideal for what & where you poke & prod it. You should try the 10 x 6 though. You will never know your luck unless you do.
Talking of Road Runner. Here you go Graeme
Yes l must take the bigger coil with me and try it.
Yes roadrunner has a lot in common with someone l know - dont strangle them though, just blow the bastards to buggery!
Now THAT is a nice bit of gear LL.
Maybe that was the one that blew up the Crunchy Bar train down that way.
Cheers Trev aka “The Mad Hatter”
I love it! Fell in love with it the moment I saw it. It works as well! In fact I have just made some non explosive rock splitters that can be fired with it.
I can see a large roadrunner cardboard cutout happening & you dressed up as coyote blowing a hole clean through him. Be a pretty tricky target to hit though as there isn’t much meat on roadrunner.