Sniping Queenstown area

Hey team,
I’m a young lad that’s been getting out and about sluicing and panning up arrow mostly for the last year. Tried out sniping for the first time ever today in a Queenstown public claim. Safe to say I reacted to this 0.14 picker like it was gonna take me out of me 9-5 :joy: definitely got me hooked for a while with the sniping!



Thats a lovely bit .would have looked nice underwater. I bet your hooked now :smirk:

Wow I would be so happy if I found a picker , looks great. We are down that way at the moment so might have to look up areas we can go hunting :face_with_peeking_eye::+1: which creek did you find it in? Guess that might be a secret lol. Have heard 12 mile is a good one

Only one way to find out. Good luck. :slight_smile:
JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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