RIP Bob Kilgour

Those of you in Central Otago will be very familiar with Bob Kilgour. Bob had not been in the best of health recently & the other week he had a 2 meter fall from a construction project on his property & broke his femur. Ended up in Dunedin hospital where he also picked up a hospital bug, then got pneumonia & sadly passed away. His funeral was today.
Gold mining has been in his family for three generations from the early gold rush days with a family member initially being a merchant. There will be those of you that will be aware of the Bell & Kilgour Claim in Cromwell back in the depression years that did very well. I had come across Bob a few times out in the field detecting & he was always very pleasant to me. A shrewd business man when it came to gold. He certainly did well out of Glass Earth. I am sure there will be those of you that will know about that.

A sad bit of history gone with his passing but I believe his family gold mining legacy will continue. There is un finished business.




Sad to hear that, he was a great guy and had a lot of knowledge

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