As many of you are aware with the givealittle page created we also have to provide feedback to the ORC about these changes they are proposing. Ive prepared a how to and the best way to do this. We need as many of you as possible to get mobilize and provide feed back IN YOUR OWN WORDS
Ive tried to keep this simple and easy to follow
Go to:
- Then scroll down until you see “Draft Land and Water Regional Plan Feedback’; in black bold.
There is a drop-box which says ‘Which FMU/rohe do you wish to feedback on’. Click on this and hit the top option which is ‘Otago Wide”.
Then the next option is a suite of topics you wish to give feedback on. Click ‘Beds of Lakes and Rivers’.
The next section is general feedback. Here you need to add what your concerns are.
In short, you want to retain the permitted activity rule whereby dredging is retained as a permitted activity because the science proves the effects are localised, temporary and less than minor even in the most sensitive of Otago waterbodies.
You need to add the phrase ‘The effects of suction dredging is less than minor on the bed and the aquatic ecology. This is proven in the ecological evidence presented by both ORC staff and consultant ecologists and applicants ecologists during hearings where mining is proposed in Schedule 7 sensitive waterbodies and consent is required.
You can then talk about some of the following points, and it is important to use your own words in this so the ORC do not get a near exact version from each miner. Here are some examples and talking points.
- You were very disappointed to read in the ODT that Policy Manager Fleur Matthews stated “suction dredging has significant ecological impacts”. This statement is not supported by science and is misleading the public. She clearly has a preconceived position on the process outcomes even before submissions are considered.
- Gold mining was the foundation of Otago and Dunedin and that Dunedin was the capital city of NZ because of gold. You wish to exercise the right to be part of the history of gold in Otago.
- The ORC are extremely expensive in their consent fees. It is extortionate and unreasonable to force a hobby miner to spend between $10-40,000 on a hobby dredging consent and a permitted activity rule should be provided.
- Gold mining supports your economic and social wellbeing as promoted in the s5 of the RMA.
- Hobby gold mining supports your mental health wellbeings.
- Previous consent decisions approved by independent hearings commissions found hobby dredging is consistent with s6 of the RMA.
- Previous consent decisions approved by independent hearings commissions found hobby mining consistent with Te Mana o Te Wai despite Manawhenua opposition.
- You are a 4th generation gold miner in Otago.
- The next question is “do you want a copy of your feedback”. Click Yes.
- The next question is your age
- The next question is what best describes you. Click Other
- The next question is ‘do you want to be kept informed of progress’ and click Yes and then include your email address. This is important you do this so it registers interest from a range of dredgers,
Then click SUBMIT