North Island fossicking area,up dates

Just been up the back of Gobels rd,off Komata reefs road, Paeroa, (some may know it),for a bit of a sampling excursion,left my f#$k pan in the truck,didnt I dumb arse,so trekked out with a pack full of gravel instead,which I’ll classify and pan later

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i dout even with a world economy collapse, we will be able to just go out there. oh of course i will be out there poaching. stop me if you can.
prediction world collapse as we know it 18 months from now.

Why stop now eh haha

Yes sir. Thank you for your concern & for enlightening me. I know better now.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:


Ahhhhhh… the old government pay out… print more money… devalue the dollar more…stealing people’s wealth…could go on and on

These are the nutty environmentalists we have to deal with , the tunnel they are proposing is 150 to 400 meters underground …but the frogs mite feel the vibration , I dont believe these people have a shred of credibility .

Yeah sure - Fucking marvellous and yet when Oceana Gold wanted to destroy Macraes landscape didnt they buy off DoC? As a result there is about 3000 acres of mine already ruined the original landscape. Macraes ruins above ground - the tunnel is out of site is it not below ground.

its not just gold mining they do this to. check out Stockton on google maps and see the area that has been destroyed.

Wasnt this Thread about trying to get a public fossiking area in the North Island, this is getting boring now.

Update… I get no replays to my emails now from MBIE/PAMs, still trying though,squeaky wheel syndrome. I may have to admit defeat,like all those before me

Did you say you were bored. A wise man once said that only boring people get bored.

Thanks for that Tom, the thread just went off track.
And thanks for putting the effort in.

A complaint to the ombudsman might get you satisfaction. I have used him twice and got nearly instant results. Have all documentation, present everything logically and straight forward and give it a go. Nothing ventured nothing gained

It’s an option thanks

Thanks for the suggestion Graeme, that might liven things up a bit not much happening sitting here in thames so it does get boring

Nothing ventured nothing gained.

It all started when the Govt of the day, decided that certain Govt Depts had to be self supporting, the Minerals Dept (PAM) was one of them, so hobby type mining license’s shot up from $500.00 to what they are now. And of course now they just keep going up as no doubt they are inflation proofed.

Cheers Trev aka “The Mad Hatter”

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In my day my claim cost less than $30 from application to granted. That was 1972.
And then NZ couldnt pay its debts and the bankers foreclosed. I firmly believe that the lnternational bankers dictate much of what goes on here. How come we are mineral rich and yet we, the people, have not got gold reserves. Rothschilds get all Macraes gold do they not? I think the huge fees are to put it into the hands of big corporations and prevent the good average kiwi from having access to what he/we own.


Hi guys. Pleasure to say hi…:call_me_hand:
I know this area well. I live in Whitianga.
I’ve been prospecting for near 15 years.
I would be keen to help out in anyway I can…regarding pushing the go ahead on public areas in Coromandel.
The area is vast. Gold is everywhere!!
Tararu gets thrashed by the locals fosdicking for sign. As alot of Thames coast areas.
They actually make more mess than anything else to be honest.
I’m out most weekends exploring old mines etc.
From Komata Reefs. Maratoto. Broken hills.
Remarkable history in these hills.
Let’s do this…!!


Definitely alot more mercury in the coromandel side.
Apparently Kapanga mine at Driving creek spilt a heap of it into the creek back in the day.
Traces are visible while panning.