Noob showing his son a good time

Hey im new in Queenstown been here 6months and my son wants to mine gold lol so have just brought everything we need. Is the a52 to big to use in the public places? Iv never done this befor just read alot about it and watched some stuff to try learn. I dont wanna pan on someones claim just making sure i go to right place lol hope every1s having a good day in this 30 heat wow.

Hey plenty of gold in the Arrow River… might pay to go on a gold prospecting tour with Mandy at gold n gumboots in Arrowtown just to get a handle on things then your away from there!

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Awsome thank you for that. I throw up a post if me and the boy finds anything. Have a good night

Plenty more rocks, stones & gravel too :joy: :roll_eyes:

Here is a tease for you. My result from detecting last weekend.

Saturdays in 53 pieces

Sundays in 57 pieces

A total of 16.80 grams. That’s over half an ounce. Combination of using the GPX 6000, GPZ 7000 with 15" Russian made Concentric Coil & the Good old Gold Monster for mopping up the crumbs.

Good luck out there

JW :cowboy_hat_face:


Bloody hell, that’s a good score mate!!


Hi Gav. I have to admit it is my best haul in a longgggg time. I did a two night stay up in the hills in an old hut. Didn’t get up there until 7.30pm & I was in white out conditions & drizzling. Thinking this might have been a mistake. But Saturday morning was crystal clear blue sky day & a frost of -1. Windscreen & bonnet had ice on them. True story. I kid you not. Would like to post pics but they would give the location away & I know there is more gold to be found. I actually spent the previous weekend up there too but the weather was shit.

but managed to do a bit of detecting for a few grams

but left early Saturday morning.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

Bonus, just turns it into a proper adventure! It’s crazy how you can get snow and frost mid-summer, blows my mind. I’ve heard this happening quite a few times now.

My wife & I went up there on New Years Day a few years back and it had snowed up there that night. It had pretty much melted away by midday.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

Things tend to get a bit chilly when you drag the Mrs into the scrub for a night or two.