New member looking for advice - Queenstown

Hi guys. I’m totally new to fossicking. I’m in Queenstown for a couple of days. I’m aware of the public sites. How would you rank them in terms of strike rate etc?


Apparently Three strikes and your out but if your a good wee fellow then you have nothing to worry about.


Hi Dwills , welcome to the paydirt community, don’t mind lammerlaw his always coming up with a smart arse comment or 2 . Consider it a right of passage. …lol!
Yes there are good public fossicking areas in queenstown . my personal favourite is the arrow river, head around the bend (like lammerlaw) and you should see the other prospectors have worked the bedrock, still plenty of gold to be found,ask a fellow digger as most are pretty helpful up that way and easy access too .good luck.


Thanks for the sensible reply Mal. There are always the odd person on forums that can’t seem to help themselves and post crap reply’s. I just ignore them.

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Due to the fact that I know absolutely nothing about gold fossicking the only replies I can give are mostly crap - makes my boring home bound days less boring1

A wee birdie said that if fine gold make you happy and gets you dribbling then go to the Arrow but if you want the chance to find a decent nugget then go well up the 12 mile and be prepared to move some rocks - not that I would know.


Yeah no worries Dwills… Lammerlaw is actually a good bugger and knows more about ,and has found more gold in NZ than I will in several lifetimes… unfortunately he is getting on a bit , but one of the few things still working on his body is his very warped sense of humour…lol… 12 mile by the doc camping site is also worth a go. I got good fine gold right next to the campsite by the river but also heard further upstream can be good on bedrock… good luck!