Making silicone sluice mat

Hey all, I am still quite new to this gold fever thing compared to some of you in this community (as i have read). I have over the weekend made a silicone mold mat for my sluice box, i have tested it in the back yard and it seems to collect quite well for being the MK1.
I will be testing it ot in the field this weekend to see how it handles that situation.

I made the mat from a meat tray as the design of it intrigued me, it is a bit crude but hey if it works then thats a bonus to look into it a bit more.

Has anyone else had experience with making silicone moldings.


Well i tested it and its fair to say that MK1 was not a complete success, water would get under the matt and make it flutter. There were only a couple of micro dots caught in it (the rest was trapped in the dream mat), so back to the shed to make another one.


Good on you young fella. The start of many innovations I am sure. Nothing quite like having the passion to make your own stuff for chasing gold.

Best of luck out there.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:


Have you tried turning the mat 90deg ? Maybe will run better that way


Yes that is the idea for the next one that i am working on, if it works well then i will get a mate who has a 3d printer to make a proper mould.

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found a guy in auckland who can make runner one from the mold u made ???

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