Has anyone got any ideas on the Luggate creek Claim for sale on trade me? It’s been floating around a while now and the price is half what it used to be. I’d be keen on partnering up if it was a viable claim and access isn’t to tricky.
From what I’ve researched the area was a great spot back in the heydays, only downside would be there’s no time left after lockdown finishes to give it the once over before it turns into ice.
Would people just wait now until spring before spending serious money?
give me your number ill call , I have spent an extensive amount of time up there
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Hi gav,
I know the guy selling the claim and helped him with securing doc access. The photo with the gold in the pan on trademe was mine. It is patchy at the bottom of the basin and that put me off. Having learnt more im open to buying in but am intetested to know would you want to work as a team with two dredges or independently? Ta