Louis creek (blue clay🤔)

Hi Guys

Was just wondering if anyone had come across a blue clay at Louis creek when digging? I’m down about 5ft!
Just wondering if anyone has had success with it or any wisdom would be much appreciated :grin::tipping_hand_man:t2:

Regards Dave


You must have too much energy digging down 5 feet. That’s crazy. One flood & back to square one. :flushed:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

Have ya got any burnt wood yet?

Hi Ross

No burnt wood but also no gold or bugga all in it either lol which after day and half :grin:
But you gotta test these things lol

Regards Dave

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It a long way down :grin: wish I could say the gold was better :rofl:


Yes. Well you do have to look otherwise you will never know. I got a skunk detecting yesterday so you most likely did better than me.

Best of luck out there

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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Ive been getting skunked for a while up there, will work it out one day

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Don’t forget it was pretty heavily worked back in the depression days. A good book to
read about that is The Golden Bush by Temple Southerland. He was one of the miners there. A true account of what he writes about as are the people he speaks of but place names & peoples names have been changed in the book. But all real & true enough.
I haven’t done too well there myself though but on one of my trips there meet a couple of old codgers who showed me a great pile of gold they had accumulated. It was impressive.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:


It’s certainly has been worked probably even more so in the last 3 months definitely not a fossicking area anymore turned into a full-time mining creek by look of our walk today!

Yep hope something gets done about people living at the public areas and working them like that not what they should be for like the idea of family’s and others going to have a play for the day or the weekend

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Do you happen to know what he called Louis creek in the book? Was it Merrimans?