Looking for a mentor

Hello fellow gold enthusiasts,

I am reaching out to this community in search of a mentor who possesses knowledge and experience in gold prospecting.

I am an eager learner with a passion for uncovering the treasures hidden beneath the earth’s surface. While I have watched numerous videos on YouTube about gold prospecting techniques, I understand that nothing compares to real-world experience and guidance.

Living in Auckland presents its own challenges, as it is far from the gold fields of the South Island. However, I am determined to overcome this obstacle and immerse myself in the world of gold prospecting. Therefore, I am seeking someone who is willing to share their expertise, insights, and perhaps even accompany me on expeditions to explore the rich gold-bearing areas of the South Island.

Whether you are a seasoned prospector or someone who simply has a deep understanding of the geology and techniques involved, I am eager to learn from you. I am committed to approaching this endeavor with dedication, respect for the environment, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

If you are interested in taking on the role of mentor or know someone who might be, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you, and I look forward to connecting with fellow enthusiasts.


If your really serious, not a hobbyist like most of us. Get out of Auckland and get a job at one of the mines here on the West coast. They are all going full on with the price of gold. Some very experienced people . Get good experience and advice from experts in their field, and your where the gold is. They are all looking for workers.


I’m hobbyist level serious… Not wanting to have my own gold mining company :smiley:

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Your ambitions are up at the serious level, bit beyond hobby. Working for a claim owner 3 or four man team would be a good start with the mentoring.


That sounds like a good idea… To get the insights from a few different people…

Any idea who would be interested in taking on a trainee? :slight_smile:

There goes your fantasy again. You are in a dream world. The rich areas are long gone. You have been told by numerous people but you look like you aren’t going to give up. Why would any one who knows what there about want to go with you to explore rich gold bearing areas when they could just do it for themselves. Sounds to me like you want someone to hold your hand & put you on to gold straight off the bat without any research or effort on your part. Good luck finding that person. Your best bet is to just hit the public fossicking areas to get a taste of it. Meet a few people in those areas who are usually very friendly & helpful. There starts your apprenticeship. Then & only then will you know if this is for you. That would be your cheapest option to start out.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:


Did chatgpt write that :expressionless:

“Whether you are a seasoned prospector or someone who simply has a deep understanding of the geology and techniques involved, I am eager to learn from you. I am committed to approaching this endeavor with dedication, respect for the environment, and a willingness to learn and adapt”

How did you figure that out? :rofl:

I wrote something and was like “Meh! That sounds so weird…” Maybe just me as a non-native thinking too much about this stuff…

But well… I hope it at least make you laugh a bit…

But I’m still looking for a mentor…

Yes, I think ChatGPT went a bit overboard with that one…

My plan is still to first visit Steve in November to get an introduction into all the things and then see from there…