I have a selection of trade tokens I’ve found over the years of detecting, some are in reasonable condition others in very poor condition. Was wondering if anyone would be interested in purchasing them? I have the following tokens,
Day and Mieville dunedin otago 1857
Manchester House Auckland 1858
T Stokes 100 Collins St East 1862 x2
M Somerville Wholesale Grocer x2
Peace and Plenty 1858 x2
B Gittos 1864
Professor Holloway pills and ointments 1858
Hi Matt. That is incredible. I have not found one, nor a Chinese coin. It is not like I don’t do much detecting but I have not found either of those items. Old buttons from the miners jeans… plenty. Probably popped the buttons off when they were undoing their fly to get their trouser snake out for a piss.
Hi John, none of these were found while detecting for gold, some from Auckland beaches some from dunedin Parks. Have found only the odd coin while gold detecting.