How to offline Claim Maps

I thought maybe I write a how to save the NZPAM claim map as GPX file to import for exploring without violating other people’s claims :slight_smile:

  • Go to NZPAM Map at
  • Click the Toolbox icon in upper left corner and select the layers you are interested in
  • Click one of the shapes under “Area of interest”. This will determine the style of your selection on the map. Probably “Freehand” on the right hand side is the easiest.
  • Hold left mouse button on the map and draw around the area you want to save offline
  • Repeat the last two steps for additional areas you might want and then…
  • Select Shapefile as format and click “Run”
  • It’ll change to the Output tab after some time and show you a download link. Download the file and save it in a location you will find again
  • Extract the and open the folder “zipfolder”
  • You’ll see a lot of files for each type of layer
  • Open the SHP to GPX converter website
    SHP to GPX Converter Online - MyGeodata Cloud (you are limited to three free converts per month there, be careful what you upload)
  • Select “Upload” and choose all the files from the zipfolder you extracted
  • Click “Continue” to let it analyze the file
  • It will show you a nice overview of Input layers and you can disable the ones you don’t want. You can also check the map view on the right to see the area it covers. When you are done checking click “Convert now!”
  • Download the resulting zipfile which contains your GPX

So, now I just need to find a nice Android app the has offline topo maps and allows me to import the GPX files… Anybody got an idea?


I found that Osmand+ supports loading GPX files… as tracks… So I have red lines marking the outsides of all the claims on my offline map now… Not great but better than nothing!?

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LocusMap might do what you need? (Don’t use it myself) Or maybe cache the required area from this excellent resource on your phone for offline use?

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How do I cache the permit map for offline use?