Historic hut building

Hey guys, I am building some old style historic huts on a station and wandered if some of the older members have any photos of Chinese style huts they would share, mainly going to be using native materials in the area and working following the old techniques. So no tin roofing ect but will be milling beech trees on site. A lot of the current huts have been remodelled over time and many have disappeared altogether so the more unique the better.
Be even better if someone here has helped restore huts in the past and has some shared knowledge.



Just google central otago goldfields Chinese huts brings up a few images. Tussock or sod were the early form in Central at least. In my job i get to see a lot of old hut site’s up all sorts of random gullys, and iwas told by a couple of people who should know that as you walk in the door the fireplace should be on the left ithink… maybe the right…
I know on bonspiel station at the old goldmining ghost town there’s a Chinese stone igloo, quite incredible.

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Thanks for that, I didn’t think of using tussock.

hi Gav, there are old ruined chinese hut remains on my claim i cant believe how small some are only long enough to lie down in , man it must been a hard life for them sore backs . cold and not much to eat , we got it easy

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That sounds like the size I will be building up in the bush, complete minimalist design for eco retreat!
I suppose they spent every waking hour working the rivers and terraces back then, you would of slept very easily

the opium would help keep the pain away im sure

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And help them sleep. :wink: :wink:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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Be sure to put some alcoves- shelves in…


Is the tussuck lapped or woven?

I believe it was layered or thatched, also they would fill hessian sacks filled with tussock and layer roof that way.