Gold moving down a creek question?

When gold is moving down a flowing creek - is it usually suspended somewhere in the water column? Or because of its density is it bowling along the bottom or very near to it?

Last question is correct. Flour gold would get a bit more tossed around in the water column, hence ending up in the moss. The creek would need to be in heavy flood for real gold movement due to the golds density.

Jw :cowboy_hat_face:

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Cheers! This creek does flood heavily by the looks of it - evidence on the bank shows that it rises about 4 feet. So far I’m only finding flour gold, but there is a deeper hole that runs the width of the creek that I want to explore.

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How long is a piece of string. There is no simple answer for gold movement. Material size, water flow and velocity. Gold sizes and shapes. And even if the gravels are mobile and to what depth. Are mobile. It really isn’t a simple answer

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I guess there are a lot of variables. I guess it would be fair to say that it would probably be in the lower half of the water column or bowling along the bottom.

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Yep. You are on to it.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

In the claim I just sold the gold was well travelled and very flattened, I suspected that it would get tossed up on its journey because of the larger surface area. I’d detected a number of large flakes that ended up being on top of the moss so must have been fairly fresh. There was no overhang for it to drop down from so I came to the conclusion that it was getting flicked out in floods.

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Cheers Gavin - that is some useful information to add another piece to the puzzle.