Free LiDAR Maps

Morning, all you seekers of shine.
Not sure if you are aware of the free LiDAR datasets available on the interwebs.
Best bit is you can strip the vegetation off and get true ground surface, unlike aerials.

Limited coverage down south, but West Coast not too shabby and some isolated pockets through to East Coast.

Small snippet here of the head of the large basin to the SE of Mt. Turiwhate behind Hokitika

Lidar area



Reall cool picture without the scrub :+1:

Very cool, could be good for finding historic workings that are obscured by vegetation

Another site (doesnt work on mobile yet unfortunately) has a selection of old aerial photography. Might be useful for identifying old workings etc that have since been flattened

Thank you very much, something to explore :blush:

That’s pretty cool. Thank you. I can see hours being consumed exploring that.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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These are the ones I use when trying to find things.

Heritage Images - Homepage - Auckland Libraries
Retrolens - Historical Imagery Resource
MapsPast | Basemaps
NZ Property Title Owners - Survey & Title | | GIS Data Map Mapping | LINZ Data Service - You’ll need to create and account and request access for this one.


Brilliant Muftin!
