Enviromental Effects of Gold Prospecting

Ok your recent moss post you are out of the active stream bed, disturbing vegetation… Technically. Your post on caves at Gboro you are off the reservation… Technically. So you bend the rules. All I mean to say is given the Govt wants to shut down ALL mining over here I won’t be giving them any excuse to do so. It’s not a personal attack at you. Maybe we should all sharpen up our act a bit.

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Regarding the environmental video. In respect to dredging I imagine it could be quite a good insight for DOC staff etc. that control access permits etc. If done right could show how small an area in the scheme of things a dredge will turn over and the amount of effort required. Could come back a few weeks later and show how the river has naturally filled in any holes so it’s hard to tell anyone was dredging there at all.

In respect to dredging I think a lot of people processing paperwork see the word “mining” and assume what you’re applying for is actually a highly destructive process rather than a mild temporary scratch of a process that is soon hidden again by nature. Could be used as a good eye opener / education tool if done right.


The goldsborough post was all mining was within the claim map and simply went up just outside of the area to explore some more I believe. Its about being reasonable and I don’t even think NPM/DOC themselfs even care if you are a few metres outside of the fossicking area by accident because they really don’t make the boundarys clear, or if you happen to be mining bedrock directly next to the flow rather then in the flow, and no normal prospector or person at least any I have ever met is going to mind. I don’t think thats spreading a bad influence that is going to cause new prospectors to do highly illegal stuff and ruin it for everyone, but I can see where your coming from and understand your concern and Ill continue to tread carefully, the rules are stupid enough as they are especially with that “active creek bed” thing your saying. Its about using common sense, as I stated earlier in the page its not like your causing any long term damage to the enviroment and if anything are helping it, its all about finding a balance.

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Definitely agreed. I found this video which is quite well done and helps convey a lot of what I was planning on saying.

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Yes Sluicer I agree common sense is a big part of it and to be fair you are discussing the environment space. From what I ve seen at Gboro some clowns are digging undermining the track,. Using dredges, trying to claim areas, leaving rubbish. Also with the recent low water the creek was frankly a cess pit some days. So no sometimes it’s not so environmentally friendly. Just saying.

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None of that has anything to do with the concept of prospecting itself rather then indviduals breaking the rules. Its not the concept thats damaging things in that case, its the execution. People leaving rubbish is people leaving rubbish nothing to do with the prospecting itself rather stupid indviduals, people digging up the track is people digging up the track once again indviduals not the hobby itself. Anything absolutelty anything can be said to be “not so enviromentally friendly” if indviduals are being stupid (for example (and purely an example) killing off possums is enviromentally friendly, but if at the same time people are leaving poison that kills native birds as well its not), gold prospecting when done correclty is neutral/no long term effects noticable at absolute worst. At the same time Goldsborough is also one of the most popular fossicking areas around, imagine if we divided those prospectors around all the creeks with gold in New Zealand, it wouldn’t be noticable anywhere (and to be honest at least as of last time I went to goldsborough if you didn’t know any better you wouldn’t even be able to tell it was prospected either), and im sure no one would be stupid enough to dig under tracks when there would be virgin gold all through the river.


I got one for Christmas because someone noticed how much i hate the little Buggers lol.