English Detectorist Visiting Christchurch

Hi All.
I am a fishing, shooting, and metal detecting guy in England, and I will be coming to Christchurch in March, I would love to have a go detecting for gold while I am there.
I am not looking to get rich, or even expecting to find any gold, just meet like minded people and enjoy the experience.
Is there anyone out there who would take a Pom under their wing for a day? I could return the favour with a either metal detecting, fishing or shooting in England.
My e-mail is micktoomer@hotmail.co.uk
My whatsapp is +447771-638744.
Thanks and regards.
Mick Toomer

Hi Mick,

Apart from gold lost by humans there isn’t really any detactable gold around Christchurch unfortunately.

Hi Mathias.
Thanks for the information, much appreciated.
If I could take the liberty of picking your brains a bit further, perhaps you could give me a bit more information.
How far away from Christchurch would I have to travel to have a chance of finding gold? As I said before I don’t really expect to find any, but it would be nice to be in with a chance.
What do your people detect for around Christchurch? Would it be worth me bringing a detector? Am I right in assuming that there is very little over about 250 years old?
Many thanks.

Hi Mick. If you go to the top of this page & click on “Permit Map” all the red bits show gold permit areas. Hence gold areas. As you will see there is nothing very close to Christchurch. That red bit on the coast just below Chch is a beach sand gold claim at the mouth of the Rakia River. Very very fine gold at the best that has washed down the river from way up in the Southern Alps. I believe from the Wilberforce Range that showed promise of hard rock gold but in very unforgiving country & weather conditions. It appeared to come to nothing as just too difficult & most likely wasnt paying to carry on.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

Hi Mick, I’m a fellow pommie now living in Christchurch. If the stars align with timing and I’m off on a trip to the coast for a few days I’ll happily take you along, but it’s usually all last minute as weather dependent. For detecting I’m usually heading up rivers looking for bedrock where the gold settles without getting too deep, so if it’s been raining hard the rivers can come up and make things difficult (dedicated gold detectors are usually best as optimised for finding small pieces of gold in mineralised ground). I’ve got a few detectors, so you’ll be able to borrow one of mine if I take you somewhere. Just reach out nearer the time and don’t take it as a guarantee as it will all depend on weather, work, etc. But it’s worth touching base.


Good on ya Gav. :+1:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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