Hi all,
Am I required to get a mining permit to use a high banker on public land?
Thank you
Yes you will require a permit
It is motorised equipment, water pump, even though you physically shovel into it it does require a permit. Just like a dredge has a motorised water pump. It is looked on as being the same by those who make the rules.
If those who make the rules are looking…good to know where you stand legally speaking though
If you’re not using a pump but a bucket to add water would it be allowed though?
Thats fine - Basically it becomes similar to a rocker box which is non motorised
Technically you require a permit anywhere outside of public fossicking areas to look for gold Australia has a much better system in that regard.
You are also not supposed to dig the bank or any where outside of the active water way. The reason for that is to not encourage erosion & bank collapse. Tell that to the next flood that goes through.
That might be true Gavin, re Aussie, but you can’t dredge in Aussie but you can here.
Rules vary in oz. I know in Vic you can highbank. Only when there’s water around. But no dredging in Vic. Vic also has miner right. Buy that and you’re go for detecting. 26 dollars or something like that.
would you want to dredge in aussie though. seems most of the rivers there have things that want to bite, poison or eat you. its bad enough on dry ground.