Doc Campsites questions

I haven’t stayed at a doc campground for quite some time. I have studied up on the doc website as much as I can but need some clarification from users of these doc sites on what the go is. I can see the non bookable sites are rock up and stay and pay via the old envelope system. But the bookable sites, obviously can be booked ahead. But when rocking up with no booking can you still stay at standard campsites and still only pay 10 dollars. The website states you can book if a doc person is present by paying an extra 10 dollar booking fee. But if no doc person is there can I still just pay night by night and pay the standard site rate of 10 dollars. Or are they asking for 20 a night as I haven’t booked on their online system. I would rather wing it and pay as I go as if weather turns I will move on. Plus cell reception is usually not available so hard to book at the campsite. I’m guessing you can still just pay cash as you go but just want to make sure. I get it that it is subject to availability and bookings made by those using the website might mean I have to vacate.

Hi I have stayed in many DOC camps both North and South Island over the last few years I always just rock up to the site and if there is internet access I pay online or put the money in the Iron maiden if there is one… If there is no Internet Access and no Iron Maiden I dont pay unless they have an onsite custodian to take the money (its my opinion that if the area doesn’t have internet its up to them to provide an alternative method of payment)… I have never been charged the extra $10 I have seen it mentioned on there website but have never heard of anyone paying it…
I never pay online before I get to the DOC camp because sometimes when I get there they are so packed I dont want to stay…
If you are planning on staying at a lot of DOC camps the Annual pass is worth getting…


Phone DOC & get it from the horses mouth.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

Thanks Julian, your response is pretty much my thoughts exactly. Thanks for sharing your experiences with the doc sites. I’m hoping to get away to the south island gold fossicking sites when it’s cooler. I’ve stayed at some like Goldsborough before, just before all the online booking was a thing. Will be cold but I’m used to it coming from the mountains and sniping it pretty cold water. Will probably just stick to shovelling gravel thru a sluice in neoprene waders. Can do that all year no probs. Have a van to stay in if it gets real nasty.

If you want to bore yourself with DOCs full terms and conditions you can find them here Terms and Conditions over winter you rarely run into DOC staff at the remote camps, some of them are getting a bit pricey for what you get… Before you can book online you need to open an account with DOC its best to do that before you head away on holiday… Good luck and hope you find some good colour :slight_smile:

I just turn up and pay cash when i arrive or leave. Today i paid cash when i left