Hi all!! I’m Dewald and I’m new to the forum.
I have only just started getting into metal detecting and was hoping I could get some tips on areas to detect.
I’ve only got a cheap Quick Shooter for now. Trying to save up for an Equinox.
I’ve also got a pinpointer and a small garden trowel.
I’ve only been for two hunts along the river walk at Days Park, so far only finding old nails, junk, and what I believe to be tractor parts buried on the beaches.
I’m really hoping to find some old coins, jewellery etc, or anything interesting really . Eventually I’ll be travelling further to coastal beaches etc, but for now I’m just needing some advice on areas in or near Hamilton that I could try my luck in. Any and all helps is much appreciated. Cheers!
Try wherever there are big human planted trees. Big trees usually = age. People generally arent going to give away their exact locations but that would be your best go. Make sure your digging proper plugs and aren’t leaving a trace and you should be all good.
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Hi Dewald
Check out https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/ and see if you can find information on your local area about historic picnics, horse races, sports days A& P shows etc.