Covid Gold.. a big thanks!

Hi ya all… just like to give a big thank you to everyone who looked out for me while I was stuck in Queenstown with covid… I was supposed to be on a 3 day dredging mission but unfortunately tested positive for covid on the first day and had to isolate for the week at 12 mile camping area.(Could be worse)
So thanks to Dan Gerber for the tent,matress and camping gear… also to Gavzilla for the use of your sluice,shovel etc and some great intel on 12 mile …Mandy at gold and gumboots gold tours in Arrowtown for the sucker pump , pans and manuka honey that worked a treat…Pritch for changing all the plans on a dime (next time bro we gonna smash it!)… and finally Lee from GB for organizing back up for me if I got real sick… I cannot express enough how good it feels to have such a supportive gold prospecting community and supporter of my channel…you guys rock!
I got some nice gold at 12 mile, nothing amazing but pretty much gold in every pan, recent floods have stripped away a good half meter of top gravels concentrating fine gold in the sticky cobble layer. I know your supposed to take it easy when you’ve got covid but its a little hard when your camping 20 mtrs away from a gold bearing river, I ended up with 0.76 grams for the trip which almost paid for the Doc campsite
I hope everyone gets onto some nice gold over the summer…heavy pans all!


Something about silver (sorry, gold) linings to every cloud? A lot worse places to be struck down with plague. :wink:

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Fantastic. A pity about the Covid but it all turned out ok and certainly a feather in the cap of all those who helped you out. Says a huge amount for them…and about them. Great going guys.

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thats one way of getting a few extra days to play.
hope you are all good now Have a great xmas

Yeah it was a good few days panning /sluicing…good for the mental health…yes fully recovered…should have been dredging not panning…ohh well next time!!

Good stuff Mal- Was great to see ya and get a bit of time on the nozzle for you. Look forward to the next time your down and we can rape that gold

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