Corromandel/Thames Gold

I think i prefer JW’s more eloquent explanation, .GT. I hope you’re not the boy who put his finger in the dyke. Naughty boy.
On a more serious note, I assume that a dyke or dike could also be a quartz vein?

Hopefully you are referring to the wee Dutch fellow who saw the leak in the dyke and put his finger in and thus saved the lowlands of Holland from turning back into one huge duck pond and not to some grubby wee boy who put his finger into - - - a dyke!
JW’s explanation was just too technical for my simple mind as I am still trying to work out what dykes have got to do with dykes…if that makes sense.
Hmm it doesnt pay me to write when I have had too much gin BUT I needed it after a committee meeting at the RSA…at least tonights particular meeting.

Hi mate. Beautiful place. Walk up the track to the old battery. You will see the mass of bedrock in the stream. Jump down in there and choose a big rock to work around and under.
Good luck. Great weather for it.
Cheers :call_me_hand:

A good eye will find traces of gold and silver in the old tailings piles

Yes, great day for a splash in a creek. Thanks for the tip.:sunglasses: JR

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My first picker our of the Coro/Waikato river, woo hoo


Waikato River??

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

No the stream was between Thames and Waihi, if I give the name of the stream , we will have to bring in crowd control. Tee Hee !

Think you will find there is gold in all the streams between Thames & Waihi. I think you will be pretty safe with crowd control not being needed. Don’t quit your day job. :wink:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:


Missed out on Doon’s sluice. Anyone in Thames area got one I can give a whirl or buy?
Advice on what works well and easy in small creeks and fine gold: miners moss, rubber mat, dream mat or grass mat.
Ideal size?
Is this one too small?

Hi, Im not suggesting any particular spot. But I have done a lot of research on where best to find alluvial deposits in the Coromandal/Hauraki area. As the land is young and hasnt erroded like much of the land has in the South so the gold is still locked up in reef, Id suggest you look at the geography and look for where the mountains have broken down and freed up the gold. Good starting point would be Coroglen rd west area I reckon. All the best.