Buying Gold Bullion

Is there a benefit to buying bullion from a legitimate dealer over buying raw alluvial gold? Which is the better investment?
Also, does anyone have any recommendations when it comes to bullion dealers in NZ?
Just out of interest.

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I’ve not had any success with the dealers I’ve approached so far. Super slow to respond / cagey about stating how much over spot they’ll sell for. I gave up, but would be keen to hear if you find a good one for next time I might entertain the idea.


Thanks Gavin, thats really interesting. I have a suspicion it would be more expensive to buy bullion, I can understand if thats due to a company having some sort of official guarantee or suchlike to offer the buyer legitimacy that its 100% clean etc. They couldnt mark it up to much though surely… yep if I learn anything further Il pass it on mate. Cheers for that👍

I’ve bought bullion, usually it’s purchased in a sealed certified packet. 99.9% gold. What I don’t like is they charge a premium above the spot price and when you sell it back to them they take a premium as well. Pro is that it’s guaranteed and usually immediately paid.
I’ve also bought alluvial gold and have bought at or below the spot price, when you sell you will get their estimated purity x the spot price and maybe a little less.
All this is cash and tax free.
Cons, I had considerable amount one stage of both and was concerned for security, but would prefer to have it in my possession than have to pay someone else, again costing you.
Not brief but hope this helps

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Brilliant, thanks mate. Good info and a few things to consider. I kind of thought bullion might be like that…

Buying bullion is an excellent idea. Buy it from the same sources as Jewellers do. DO NOT BUY DROM JEWELLERS.
Best people to buy bullion from include Regal Castings, 7 Akiraho Street in Auckland and New Zealand Mint, Level 1, 48 Greys Avenue, Auckland.
Cost price is around spot plus 6 percent. Swiss Pamp bullion cost a bit more.
I recommend Perth Mint.
If selling they will buy back at spot minus 6 percent.


I saw photos from the Auckland Costco showing they sell gold bullion. Right up to 50k for 500 gram. If u join the Costco page where folk are posting photos of all sorts somewhere in there is photos of all their gold options.


Facebook. Page is called Costco nz fans. Sorry in advance for showing the page. Worth a laugh, and a potential bulk buy or perceived bargain if that’s what you’re into. No deals on the gold it seems, oddly enough.


Excellent, thanks Lammerlaw. That sounds like a fair exchange. They have to have some percentage of profit. Appreciate the reccomendations.

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Costco… well I never! Now I’m excited about Costco arriving in NZ too now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


$500 a gram :flushed: I can do the same for $400 :wink::joy::+1:

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$50k / 500 grams = $100 / gram :wink:

Just found a photo:


Gavin, yep that’s the photo I saw posted. There’s a Costco going in at Rolleston soon if you can wait. Was very surprised they sold gold bullion. At 100 gram why not. Guess someone must buy it every now and then. Simon.


Thanks Gavin,
sorry guys Im mathematically illiterate…:see_no_evil: photos definitely helped :joy::+1:
$100 a gram isnt to shabby for the product I suppose, it must fluctuate though…


Cheaper & more fun going out & finding it. :slightly_smiling_face:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:


Wholeheartedly JW :sunglasses::+1:


it will be an interesting road ahead for gold , unless it can be traded for central bank digital currency i fail to see its worth, less than 1% of the worlds population own gold and the whole purpose of the reset is to have control over population weather its food, property or wealth the global elete [ world economic forum ] will set the rules and manipulate the price


I think its already being manipulated to be honest. Gold these days is tied up in companies and shares in those companies etc etc, different to what it used to be… so it is possibly easier to manipulate in that regard, if that makes sense.

My thoughts on digital currency is its only any good if the powers still turned on…:bulb::wink:

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More fun for sure, but cheaper… I’m not convinced at present as I’m sure I’ve spent more on the hobby than I’ve had back in returns yet :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree with Kiwijw that finding it is more fun.

My uncle was one of the pioneers of scuba diving and under water suction diving. Back in those days half a troy pound of gold was not exceptional.
My uncle was one of the chief accountants for the Inland Revenue Department. Now l dont know quite what the proceedure was but he wanted me to sell some gold and pay tax and run my gold fossicking as a sort of business.
I didnt want to and never did but he did. I do not know if you could do this today but by selling a bit of gold and paying tax on it he could claim expenses oncluding vehicle deprecation, vehicle running costs etc.
This meant that not only was he getting gold but all his expense could be claimed back against his week job as an accountant.
Thats the way l understand it. If you can still do this today then your costs could be negligible or written off completely.