Boxing day special

Hey folks,

I met up with a few friends on boxing day and headed into the wilderness to try and find some gold. After a hike into the location and setting up camp I headed off with my sniping gear to find my fortune, about 10.30am. By 1pm I had about a gram and a half in small pieces from a range of crevices. At this point I had a short break and considered my options. I chose a good looking crevice which cut across the river and had a good bedrock / current arrangement. After removing a little of the gravel which covered most of the crevice I spotted a couple of of slightly chunkier bits than what I’d got earlier. Well, shortly after this the crevice really pu on a show and in the following 1.5hours I found some fantastic gold. I ended up with 29.6g for the 4.5hrs I’d spent in the creek. This is pretty up there in terms of total gold Iver personally found in a day.


Holy F*%# man. That’s awesome Matt. Good for you. Better than my poxy two bits yesterday for .69 of a gram detecting with the Zed & 15" concentric coil. You put me to shame. :roll_eyes:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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Gee that’s a good hourly rate. About $580. Well done.

Awesome good 4u sounds like the dream i had the other night but urs is real. On other note my other favorite hobby is fishing and i put a salmon in the bag today


Holy Hell Matt. That’s got to be up there with some of the best (half) days I’ve seen on here. Congratulations.
Sorry, didn’t catch the name of the creek…?


Shot bro nice work youl have to go bk and spend sum mor time ther

That’s some beautiful chunky gold. Well done Matt, a late Christmas pressie to yourself!

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Certainly a memorable day. It’s always worth keeping in mind that deposits like that still exist. Or at least existed until I cleaned this one out!