Bazooka gold table hack

Crude but works a treat.


Whats the hack?

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

By slowly running water from hose down deck of sluice box I get the same if not better result of a Miller table. Separates black sand leaving behind super clean gold. Way easier and quicker than panning and Iā€™m not paying for an expensive extra piece of equipment, therefore a hack, cheers.


Bit of kiwi ingenuity, im gonna give it a go,nice one!

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For a true bit of kiwi ingenuity, try some bailing twine & number 8 fencing wire as riffles. :joy: :joy: :joy:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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Cheers Matt, you can use a bare aluminium sluice too, I rough the surface with sand paper which evens out the water flow. To slick of a surface and it tends to bead up, not good. But with a bit of practice it is surprisingly effective.