Australian gold prospecting tours info wanted

Hi team are there anyobne out there familiar with Australian gold prospecting tours.

Im interested in south Australia or near Sydney Melbourne./ Cairns
Ive searched on line and found 2 tours, however they are hours into the Australian outback , i mean you have to get to a local airport then hire a car or local transport then hire a caravan in a camping ground.

Id like on that you can meet at one of the bigger cenres m, would be fun. Id be grateful if someone could point me in some direction which Is possible to access or has a caravan rental at a caravan park to access the tour from… Swinging a coil would be fun… It seems online that one of the tours is near a main road and they swung near there… Id be keen on a more “marginally prospected place to go.” Hopeful, perhaps theres a rock and prospecting club you may know or have a contact for me and I could hang out for a day… Sioux


Facebook is the go to for all the private detecting tours, there are so many individual groups doing tours it’ll be hard to pick. If your just after a day mission then drive out to the golden triangle lots of information in all the old townships.