Australia Queensland - Detecting

INFORMATION - does anyone know of where one can go and detect in Queensland other than the public fossicking areas ?

Trying to get as much info as I can before I go over and get myself in trouble.

Cheers Thea

Possibly and unclaimed public crown land? I think that’s how it works in Victoria and WA, so maybe the same?

When you get your fossicking license you get a list of the gpa’s mainly claremont and warwick area, there’s a couple of real good private camping and detecting areas on Facebook that are worth exploring like palmerville station etc.
Also worth buying the trilobite app for the crown land tentament areas and good mapping.
There’s a google earth overlay you can get for every state that has every known gold mine for Australia on it that’s worth finding, (I think I added a link to it on here many years ago) if your going up above Cairns pop into Towers prospecting world, Peter will put you on the right track.


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Gold & Ghosts book Volume 3, Queensland Central and Southern Districts by D.W. de Havelland.

Big money to buy if you can find one but maybe check the local library.