Anyone keen to meet up

Keen to meet like minded people

always interested to meat new people. but hard to know where you live , you may be to far away . and are you interested in gold or detecting?
no im not gay , although I meant meet . although there are some out there I would like to meat

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Hi Keith was planning a sth Is trip before the plague struck so looking next year
My kids have never touched snow or been on a plane and had planned on doing both. My goal was to pan some gold during the trip so maybe I’ll put the feelers out when we come down

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I’m based in Ross 20 minutes south of hokitika

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Panning but wouldn’t mind giving detecting a go

pity its so far south im north of Westport. at the moment getting geared up ready for the winter skins in possums . will bear you in mind when down your way.

Heading somewhere today if keen,I’m 15mins north of you?

Hey mate missed your msg sorry, 0276287624 keep me in mind for next time

0276287624 keep in touch

Ingguy here from Coromandel; heading Hokitika way 22nd March to 26th on our way home if anyone has any advice or wants to meet up for a day… regards Pete