Anyone able to help identifying this piece of pressed lead I found

Howdy, while detecting a South Island river I found this pressed lead plate. Looks as tho it’s a man, maybe climbing a ladder? I’ve contacted Te Papa and they had no idea what it could be from. Chat GPT said it could be a shipping label. Any ideas or info would be helpful


I asked another AI and it said similar things…

This appears to be a lead seal or pilgrim badge/token. It has a molded design showing what looks like a figure or saint in an architectural frame or niche. Lead badges and tokens like this were common in medieval Europe, often created as souvenirs for pilgrims visiting religious sites or as merchant/trade seals. The grayish color and worn appearance is characteristic of aged lead, and these types of objects were typically cast in molds to create the relief design we can see.

Whatever its is very cool!


That’s one I haven’t heard yet. I need to do some more research into that

Looks a bit like Lammerlaw trying to break out of jail to me. :laughing:


I wonder if it’s an old lead printing cast… an illustration in a paper or book?

I reckon you are spot on MB. :rofl:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

Using a water based paint…press the image and run the image through whatever Ai tool etc i knows nothing of.