Alledged Detector Thief Gets Busted

Its been posted on Ringfinders Facebook page already but LoL Burn!..

New Year’s Eve Detector Recovery- Christchurch

Garry had put his Equinox 800 Metal Detector in his Van to go Detecting at a Christchurch Beach
However due to the rain he decided to go to the movies at a local mall and 10 minutes later his van was gone, stolen with everything in it including his Tools, Snow Skis and his Metal Detector.
Garry reached out to local metal detecting Facebook groups hoping that someone would see his detector or van offered for sale somewhere.
I saw on a Facebook Buy/sell page a detector fitting the description however seller had been spooked by some of the questions being asked and deleted the ad.
Fortunately I had a screenshot so Garry asked me to try to make contact with the seller.
When the seller responded and I asked for more photos which confirmed it was unmistakably Gary’s stolen Metal Detector.
I arranged for Gary posing as my friend to collect and pay for the detector the following day- New Year’s Eve.
Not only that I haggled the price down to $600 cash.
The seller wouldn’t give an address but gave me the Suburb he was staying in.
Next morning Garry was sitting down the road from a house having spotted his van while driving around that suburb .
The police arrived promptly but unfortunately the Van was gone again. Then as Gary was talking to the police, His van reappeared with new license plates and on seeing the police sped off nearly hitting 2 Police officers.
The Police chased the van but the driver managed to evade them.
The police got a warrant and searched the house and recovered Garrys detector resulting in the alleged thief spending New Year’s Eve in the cells.
Garys Van and Skis are still missing, possibly in Nelson or Christchurch so please keep an eye out and remember it’s got new number plates. If you have seen this van or know where it is call the police on 111.


Nice work westie! That’s a good result to read about :slight_smile:


This was me. Unfortunately the lowlife only got community service and was released in 48 hrs. The cops thought fircsure he would get a full sentence as he had a lengthy career life. Police were let down by a soft judge.

In canada a few judges that have been soft on crime have had their houses broken into and they got harder after they got to experience the same pain. They call they grey units and they straighten out soft judges

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