After a blank sluice

Anyone got a blank sluice like the one pictured at roughly around the 550mm X 200mm size range? Or if anyone bends aluminum that could make me one. Making a bildge pump clean up sluice setup, cheers.

Aluminum is very easy to bend. You just need a solid metal table, a few c clamps and a hard rubber mallet. Don’t heat it. Just bang away from 1 end to the other back and forward till you have the angle you want. You can not back bend it tho. So dont bend it to much. It will just snap in half trying to straighten it out again. Obviously the thinner the easier.

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Okay cheers ill grab a sheet and give it a go

Most sheet metal places will form that up for you on a pressbrake, probably do it while you wait

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Ended up using my river sluice (temporarily) and its looking good just waiting for some mats to turn up.