12 Mile / Fews Creek Research Help

Hi everyone. While it’s been too cold to do much outdoors i have been researching the history of a local public gold fossicking area. I am seeking any info on this location. It is one of the oldest goldfields in the Wakatipu but unfortunately not too much info is available. I have gone through Papers Past and cleaned it out. Seems the more info uncovered the more gaps in knowledge is shown. I’m after old photos, old maps, tales past on down, paper articles, anything on the area would be appreciated. My end goal is to publish a booklet on it all. Papers Past has given a wealth of info but where can you find info regarding claims, claim numbers, maps etc. i have mention of numbers for items such as tail races, water races, claims but really lack any maps. My key interest is trying to unravel names of miners and where they actually worked. many mines were past from group to group so had multiple owners. slowly sorting what i have out but its slow work verifying it all as there are often vague or incorrect writings. Please privately message me if you have anything of use. Happy to meet up with anyone that is in the wakatipu region. Thanks in advance, Simon.


Have you tried the Hocken Library in Dunedin…or contacted Mines Dept (Petroleum and Minerals) and asked where their historical records are.

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Here is a list of helpful links that you may already be familiar with
https://www.mindat.org/ though nothing on the 12mile there on the gold map but some info on the 5 and seven mile.

Enquire ofJustin Eden at the gold shop Arrowtown. Also hunt around and maybe if Tony Sew Hoy is about he may also be a very good source. Also the Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust. I shall go through my works for you and see what I can come up with. I have panned some good gold there.

I’m curious as to the inclusion of a link to Tinder? :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha funny and least its not Grinder


Haha to be honest Gav I think using Tinder and gold digging go hand in hand :joy:


Probably quite a few gold diggers on tinder


That’s for the gold diggers out there …:wink::sunglasses:

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Ha, of course! I should have got that one :stuck_out_tongue: