No need to attack @queenstown because his view is different to yours. From what I see he was putting valid points across in a non-offensive manner.
If you want to start an association let’s keep things civil.
Tim, if it’s not your idea who’s doing the leg work on setting up this association? I assumed from your posts you were the one who was looking to put something together yourself.
Either form an association or fade away under pressure from 3 waters. I am a member of APLA Associated Prospectors and Leaseholders Association in Western Australia. Perhaps some of their association’s aims, ideals, codes of conduct and rules etc could be helpful for forming an association in NZ. I would be prepared to help. Have had a bit of spare time this winter through not being able to go to Aussie for the winter.
Look we have the numbers to set up a non profit incorporated society. We have to have a meeting create some rules and then register with companies office. So thanks everyone. I will post an email address shortly for everyone to send one or twi rules they can think of and any ideas for a constitution. Have a thought of what we are going to promote ourselves as etc. We just need 15 members to set it up so we will be moving forwards, I hope, very shortly. To answer a comment above, of course in an ideal world we will/would be dealing with stskeholders, but the key stakeholder in thr ORC RSP has already stated that suction dredging is bad for river ecology by moving river chanels. They are not playing nice atm, so we do need to develop our conversation first.
Although I agree in part of what you have said in the past…you seem to have a way of pissing people off! maybe you could change the way you speak! just saying…
I think also opening this to as many people as possible by way of miners is important but obviously with a leaning towards suction dredging is good.
Something similar to the 49ers in the states would be the way to go
I think one of the keys to making this a success is
Keeping it simple at the start
Having a spokesperson(s) who can articulate and communicate with stakeholders and members at there level.
utilise social media as much as possible to reach and capture an audience.
I’m happy to contribute as I’m going through a resource consent regarding fish and sediment discharge for an Otago claim and working with the ORC., DoC and Iwi. I’ve got fresh water ecological data etc that I’m happy to supply. I will say so far my experience with ORC has been very positive.
Things to also look at are:
Association branches, and where to have them, as members will have to meet either in person or other(zoom/here?) and also we will have to have an AGM…we can turn this in to an annual event to make it fun and hold it in different gold field locations…
OK folks as mentioned above, our numbers are good to get this established, is everyone happy with this being and incorporated society which is non profit? Please email me with regard to rules and purpose to As Chris has mentioned, setting something up along the lines of the 49’s may be the go, does anyone have any information on their rules and purpose.
Good Idea but probably to little to late as I think the whole system has moved against small scale mining and probably large scale mining as well but large scale operators have the money and resources to push back a little harder. But I will definitely join if it gets of the ground.
The is a club the ‘new 49’ers’, Redirecting...
And a web site but you have to sign up for a free news letter to look at it
I have been a member of several different incorporated society’s/clubs and from experience agree with Chris that we need to keep it really simple…were basically forming a club of gold miners to act as an advocacy group to have a collective voice. It does not matter your method of mining of if you mine at all you can still be apart of it.
I believe the community here is a very good platform to maybe host the online portion of the club/association. Becoming an incorporated society holds us to obligations and their needs to be the people willing to fill those positions, president, secretary etc… paydirt is providing at this point a nice medium for the cohesion of the melange of various characters of the gold mining creed to work from as a starting point…it is good we are talking and ball rolling
What are you thinking the cost of membership would be? I’d be happy to pay a couple of red ones per year, as a recreational pan shaker, to have our rights looked after.
I personally think that as we set up this Association, we should also be in conversation with all the stakeholders, (Forest and Bird, Fish and Game, Iwi, etc) to show that we are not fighting against them, but are willing to work with them. Do you understand where I’m coming from?
If you make someone your enemy, they will always be your enemy.
…An organisation is being raised to benefit all gold fossickers. Your comments taunting people aren’t helping getting people onside. Not everyone makes posts. You should pause and think before you post comments. Also remember everything posted on the internet is there forever.
I smell something fishy mate…NZ gold miners stick together even if we have had a bit of biffo and rough slang and bloody noses…are you on a visa? just asking…curious…also would like to ask …“I’m from the UK, where you can fossick anywhere with the landowners permission. I have spent 14 years in Victoria, Oz, where you can also fossick anywhere with a permit and the landowners/permit holders permission”, you state that you have been only shaking the pan for a short while…did you not do any panning in Australia over those 14 years? but somehow are very learned on the rules there and seem to know about what is going on in NZ enough to start writing to our tourism minister Hon Stuart Nash…
If ya wanted to go the whole hog it would probably be a good idea to have some sort of open days / week what have you system we’re members can go fossicking on claims , I mean in reality what would be the advantage of someone that doesn’t have a claim being a member of a mining association ? , gotta have some perks and the more members the better, obviously with the proviso that all members support dredging / Tier 2 mining .
Just a thought.