Gold - Some interesting samples of gold and other minerals I own - found or given

Haha looks abit rough but would probably get the job done u and ur whale gun in that mad max style

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holy heck mate thats nothing short of truely epic i dream of a day like that i really hope that one day i get to tell a story like that …something to aspire to thanks for sharing …man what a day yahoooooo…!!!

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It was certainly a good day but back then I had many good days - hopefully more to come.


It’s only a single seater. Thats no good. :joy: Needs to be able to carry a dredge to.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

A friend of mine was here today and I was chatting to him. He knows up there well.

Bloody hell… you got a friend!? :rofl:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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Noddy, Big Ears and Henry the Eight I am I am.

Hell… Thats three. :joy:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

There was Tessy Bare but she got too wild for me considering that I am such a reserved, withdrawn and retired sort of guy…and she didnt like my lewd, crude and suggestive advances…oh and she also didnt like LPG cylinders flying past her head…when a Tom Thumb turned out to be an atomic incident…which in turn improved the air conditioning in the house!

A few colours l got one day last week up on my place where the resident expert claims theres no gold.
We can assume therefore that these are pretty samples of fools gold. My mum always told me l was a fool so that fathoms!

Strangley enough this is paupers pickings as I was looking through the only years records I ever kept and in 1984 rain, hail, snow and fine I averaged 3.83 grams per hour so back in 1984 this was less than two hours effort.


You may have found more gold back then, but this is $600 in today’s money!

I know what its worth but its a pittance none the less. Everything is in proportion and back in 1984 our home cost $33,000 and gold was about $257 so the price of gold today would have had to have gone up 15 times to equate to the house price. In other words gold buying power now is less than it was then so value for value I did many times better then.

Wish my first outing with GM had this kinda outcome lol! -Amazing spot you’re in by the sounds of things @Lammerlaw

It was just good luck. According to the resident expert theres no gold there and because hes an expert he must know.
For that reason l have to assume its fools gold.


Ex pert. Is that like ex for un known quantity & spurt for a drip under pressure? :joy:

JW :cowboy_hat_face:

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Sounds like some expert - perhaps as in the days of old he’d like a “sample” to confirm its not fools gold - never to be seen again?! From your posts it appears you are the expert regarding all things gold but dealing with a noob, good luck with that - pay him out good with some southern sledging lol

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Gosh… your a bit harsh.

JW :cowboy_hat_face:


What should one do with this

Nothing, unless the detector goes beep on it